“How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher.”
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The Word of God is under constant attack from those who would discredit it. Equally damaging are the attacks from those who misuse it. In this message, I proclaim the importance of the Word of God and our need understand it for what it is. The Word of God is what it is and says what it says for a reason. Since Scripture is of no private interpretation, it is up to each of us to know what it means.

This lesson is part of the series titled Studying God’s Word and is subtitled Books in Context. In it we focus on 6 factors that will help us understand the books of the Bible and how we should approach them when interpreting the Word of God. Those factors are the author, time frame, location, original audience, genre, and original purpose.

What if I were to tell you that there was an insidious lie believed in our churches? What if I told you that this lie steals our joy, makes us angry at God and leaves us wallowing in mediocrity? What if it were so craftily made that it sounds Biblical despite there being no evidence of it being true in the Bible? In this message, I explain the some ways that satan twists God’s words to try and destroy our peace and to keep us from living the life that God wants from us. I also explain that trials and temptations are universal and come against us all. At some point, we need to understand that only by living for God can we strike back at the devil. We need to take a stand and fight back.
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